Learn Machine Learning in LA!

This spring, I will be teaching a practical 14-week course on machine learning.

On completion, you will be ready to use Machine Learning algorithms at your job
or in a personal project.

Location: Shopzilla
Price: $50 per lecture, $600 for entire class

Syllabus and Schedule

Date Lecture Title Topics Covered
March 22nd Introduction


Overview of the class, Prerequisites for class, Application of machine learning, Defining learning models, Defining classifiers, Groundhog's Day, Testing a classifier, ROC, AUC, Precision, Recall, F-measure
March 29th Linear Models


Linear Algebra, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, General Linear Models, Overfitting, Curve fitting
April 12th May 17th (Recap class) Introduction to Discriminative Models


Loss Functions, SVMs, SMO, Inner Products, Kernels, Gender classification
April 19th Introduction to Probabilistic Models


Bayes Theorem, Priors, Regularization, Naive Bayes, Mail Classification
April 26th Clustering Algorithms


Clustering, K-means, Spectral Clustering, Canopy Clustering, Agglomerative Clustering
May 10th Graphical Models (part 1)


Bayes Networks, Markov Networks, Factor models, Mixture Models, Hierarchical Models
May 24th Graphical Models (part 2)


Message Passing, Variational methods, MCMC, EM, Structured EM, Topic Modeling
May 31st Nonparametric methods


Density Estimation, Kernel Regression, KNN, Decision Trees, Splines, Chinese Restaurant Process, Gaussian Processes
June 7th Discrete Sequential Prediction


Hidden Markov Models, Forward-backward, Conditional Random Fields, Entity Extraction
June 14th Time Series


AR, VAR, ARMA, ARIMA, ARCH, GARCH, Box Jenkins, Outlier Detection
June 21th Continuous Sequential Prediction


Kalman filters, LDS, DBNs, Particle Filtering, Robot Control
June 28th Online Learning


Boosting, Regret and Mistake Bounds, Perceptron Algorithm, Passive Aggressive Algorithms, Vowpal Wabbit, Large-scale Learning Algorithms
July 5th Unsupervised Learning


Clustering, PCA, Robust PCA, MDS, JL Lemma, Random Projection, Image Compression
July 12th Combining Learning Models


Boosting, Bagging, Random Forests, Mixture Models, Model Averaging, Netflix Challenge

These dates are tentative and may change to accommodate the schedules of attendees. Topics may also change to adjust to the tastes of students. Focus will be on applications. Further information for each lecture will be provided as needed and requested.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What tools or materials will we need for this course?

You will not need a single thing. No books are required. I will source supplementary readings from online material. You are not required to read them. All code will be executable on all OS platforms and consist of exclusively open-source software. As an aside, there are no homeworks. There are no tests. There are also no course credits granted.

What is the format of this course?

This will be an in-person lecture. I will provide supplementary readings before each class, and lecture notes afterwards. There is no guarantee of videos of the lectures.